Should one steer away from stocks that often hit upper or lower circuits?

Don't steer away from stocks that hit upper or lower circuits. There are some reason behind the seen why stocks some times hit circuits. So here are some key feature below so you can understand that easily why company's stock price touches to the circuit.
1.some times company have some good news like good amount of profit.
2. some times company have some bad news like big loss or fire at company's production house.
3.The other reason is that some times some big bad news that related to Indian politics, currency exchange, commodity etc. So some related company's share is touches the circuit.
4.some times company not follow the sebi rule. so sebi suspend there shares or decrease the price of the shares(it's depends on the situation).
Here we show that in 3rd reason that some times company has no reason but there shares touches to the circuits. AND MOST OF THE TIME IT'S HAPPEN FOR A SOME FEW DAYS OR HOURS.
To know What is the best way to invest in the share market? ( On my field) So here we conclude that no steer away from stocks that often hit upper or lower circuits if you invest your money some thing likes A company and there shares gone down side so research that what's the reason for that and after then take a decision.


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